Preparing Your Property for Sale

You have made the decision to sell your property, but there are a few things you need to do to optimise your selling price.

As an ex-Sales Agent and Auctioneer, I have seen many homes that haven’t been presented to the best of their ability and this can affect the final price. I have seen many sellers add between 5- 10% to their final sale price by improving their home’s presentation. One of the most effective ways to add value to your property and engage buyers at an emotional level is to spend time preparing it for sale.


Some things mentioned below are obvious, but they can be overlooked so I will touch on them to ensure you get the most money for your home. Remember your home now is going to change while it is for sale, it is going to be presented for the buyers, not for your comfort and living. Are there things in your home you can start boxing up ready for moving or items to throw out, donate or sell? Now is the time – A garage sale is a great way to pay for upcoming removalist costs!

The Outside of your Home

Stand out the front of your house and have a good look. Does it look neat and tidy? Does it need a lick of paint to look fresh? How does the front fence look? Street appeal is very important, it is the first thing your buyers will see, and encourage them to stop and come inside for a closer look.

Some things to consider:

  • Make sure there is no rubbish lying around – have a clean-up inside and out.

  • Ensure there are no loose palings or bricks falling over off your front fence

  • Could the fence or front of the house do with some paint?

  • Fresh mulch and flowering annuals in the garden beds are welcoming.

  • How does your front lawn look? Before paying to have a fresh lawn laid, ask your agent if this is a good idea first, you only want to spend $1 if you are to get $2 back on the sale.

  • A plant in a pot at your front entrance and or a small table & chairs gives the potential buyer an inviting entrance.

The Backyard

  • The Australian way of life is enjoying the outdoors. If you have a BBQ area, a fire pit, or an alfresco area, ensure it is clean and invites buyers to envisage themselves entertaining and enjoying the spaces – try to paint the picture.

  • If you have a pool, ensure it is full and the water clear, remove leaves and debris prior to inspections – you don’t want buyers thinking it is too much work because they see leaves in the pool.

  • Lawns should be mowed, dog droppings disposed of, and pets preferably removed prior to inspections.

  • Make sure the backyard looks neat and tidy, with no kids’ bikes lying in the middle of the lawn.

  • If you get along with your neighbours, mention if you are having inspections so they don’t start their lawn mowers or use power tools. You don’t want buyers thinking the neighbourhood is too noisy!

Inside Your Home

  • Ensure there are no dirty clothes or items on the floor of ANY room including the laundry.

  • Toys to be put away, shoes in racks or wardrobes, magazines, and newspapers neatly stacked. Dishes in dishwasher or washed and put away. All beds are to be made, benches wiped, and bins emptied.

  • Please put valuables away or take them with you at inspections.

  • Having a clear kitchen bench gives the illusion of more bench space. Remove or sell items that you don’t need any longer.

  • Buyers need to envisage living in your home, if you have a lot of personal photos on walls and on display makes it difficult for them. If possible, remove what you can or start to pack them in boxes ready for moving.

  • DECLUTTER – This is very important, a lot of “stuff” makes the home or room appear smaller than it is. How is the flow of your furniture? Can you walk easily around it? Do you have an oversized couch or chair that may be best moved to the garage or put in storage?

  • Some homes do not have enough storage for the occupants. If you have excess cupboards, temporary shelving units, or clothing racks will automatically tell the buyer that there is not much storage and could turn them off your home, even though you may have a family of 5 and they are a couple not needing extra storage. Ask your agent if this is an issue if you are unsure.


  • A neatly made bed together with decorative cushions and a throw makes for an inviting bedroom. A small chair in the corner for reading and neat bedside tables is recommended if you have the space. Remove glasses of water, tissues, valuables, etc.


  • I suggested to my homeowners to have a set of towels put away just for inspections. This way they can hide the used ones in the washing machine during the inspection and replace them with clean fresh towels.

  • Open the windows to allow airflow and remove any smells.

  • Clean toilets, hand basins and wipe down the shower ensuring toiletries are stowed neatly or put away.

You have probably heard people say to make coffee or bake a cake prior to inspections to present a lovely warm homely feeling to buyers. If you have time this is great, but fresh flowers and or scented candles burning can work just as well as can an aromatherapy diffuser.

All of this may sound like a lot of work, and it is, selling your home is not easy on the occupants, but if you take care, and look around to ensure your home is presented in its best possible light before each inspection, you can possibly earn thousands of dollars extra.

Now isn’t that worth the effort?


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