Supporting your
Real Estate Journey.

We go out into the market and do our research, just as you would, saving you time, energy, and frustration at no obligation or cost.

We do not use computers, software, and algorithms to send you names of agents for you to interview.

Real Estate is a personal business, you are trusting your agent with a valuable asset, and you need an agent who understands you. A computer cannot choose that.

An elderly person will need a different approach to young professionals as would a CEO of a global company to a single parent with 3 children.  Each wants the best possible outcome but each one will have different requirements of the agent to suit their circumstances.

As we have been in the industry for over 25 years, we know what it takes to sell a property for the best possible price, so we interview agents to see if they would be the right fit for you based on the information you have given us. We use this information to analyse and scout the best agent for you. We interview them as if they were selling for our parents, sisters, brothers, or friends. We carefully select the two or three that we feel are best suited to you and have them contact you to arrange an appointment to see you and your property. We then send you a list of questions to assist you with your decision-making. Importantly, you need to choose the agent that you trust and feel will deliver the best possible outcome for you and get you the best possible price.

If, on the rare occasion, one of these agents does not resonate with you, we will start again to ensure we get you the right agent.